Evolving a Good Beer into a Great Beer

Food & Beverage

Did you know, beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world, and third most popular drink overall behind water and tea?! With so many varieties, dependent on each brewer’s desires for flavour, appearance, quality and shelf life, it’s important that the brewing stages are just right.

Due to beer being 90% water, there are at least four stages where brewers can improve the quality and efficiency of the brewing process by using filtration and water treatment.

Brewers are often concerned about the quality and chemical characteristics of their water supply. Salts, minerals and chemicals can react with other ingredients which affect the efficiency of the process and final taste and appearance of the beer. This proves that the chemical characteristics of the water can play an important role in the brewing process.

So, how would a brewer achieve a brew with distinct flavour, the right appearance, exceptional quality and great stability that matches requirements while using various water sources such as mains, borehole, surface or groundwater?


At Fileder, we provide solutions to the brewing process to ensure beer is the best it can be.

Rough Filtration: is the removal of bulk solids before fermentation. Removing bulk yeast and hops to minimise the production of haze-producing compounds improves the quality and appearance of the final result.

Trap Filtration: is used to remove visible particles left in the beer after the fermenting process and potentially after a Kieselguhr system. The results are improved aesthetics and enhanced final filtration.

Sterile Filtration: is the last step in the filtration process when yeast and beer spoilage organisms are removed to ensure that the packaged product will last for its intended shelf life.

Filtration and water treatment allow brewers to further control their brewing process and achieve the qualities that they are looking for in their beer.

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