Crafting Better Brews: Can Carbon Cartridges Remove Chloramine in the Brewing Process?

Food & Beverage

In the world of brewing, it’s no secret that brewers strive for perfection in every batch they create. Each element, from the carefully selected ingredients to the brewing process itself, contributes to the desired taste and aroma of the final product. One often overlooked factor that has a detrimental effect on beer quality is chloramine. We explore the impact of chloramines on the brewing industry and whether carbon filters can effectively remove them, safeguarding the art of brewing.

Chloramine is a compound commonly used as a disinfectant in municipal water treatment facilities. It is formed by combining chlorine and ammonia, offering improved stability and longer-lasting disinfectant properties when compared to chlorine alone. While chloramine serves an essential purpose in ensuring public health and safe drinking water, its presence in brewing water can lead to unintended consequences. You can find out more about chloramine in general here.

Chloramine can interact with phenols during the brewing process, leading to the production of chlorophenol compounds. These compounds can introduce off-flavours and aromas, giving the beer an unpleasant taste such as plastic, smoke, chlorine disinfectant, or a medical plaster, which is very detrimental to your beer. Chloramine can also kill yeast which affects the fermentation process and the quality of the end product, and unlike chlorine, will not be boiled off and will remain in the wort.

The role of carbon cartridges in chloramine removal

Carbon cartridges are widely used in the brewing industry to remove various impurities from water, including chlorine and organic compounds. Carbon, with its porous structure, has excellent adsorption capacity, making it effective at capturing unwanted substances. However, can carbon filters effectively remove chloramines from brewing applications?

While carbon cartridges effectively remove chlorine from water, their ability to remove chloramines depends on the type of carbon used and the contact time between the water and the carbon media. Specialised carbon filter media such as catalytic or activated carbon are better suited for effective chloramine removal.

Carbon cartridges that are exceptional at removing chloramine:

Ultimate chloramine removal! Ultra porous, modified powder activated carbon is exceptional at targeting chloramine from your application.

Premier chloramine reduction! In comparison to the PCB, the PFBC offers a lower pressure drop and higher dirt-holding capacity while effectively removing chloramine, essential for dual-purpose applications!

Investing in specialised filtration systems designed to eliminate chloramine, such as catalytic carbon filters, can help protect your final product from the unwanted effects of chlorophenols. By prioritising water quality, brewers can enhance the brewing process and deliver exceptional beer to their satisfied customers time and time again.