How Does The HSE Business Plan Update Affect Your Business?
With the latest release of the HSE Business Plan for 2018/19, here we look at what this means for individuals and organisations and how this will affect us all moving forward. The main purpose of the HSE is to prevent work-related death, injury and ill health through...
Getting Back To Basics: What Is Pleated/Surface Filtration?
‘Pleated’ or also known as ‘Surface’ filtration treatments, will commonly use a range of pleated filters with a large surface area. These are highly efficient and have excellent flow rates. The pleating mechanism allows the media to be packed tightly within the...
BREXIT: Why Legionella Doesn’t Care About Politics
There are still many uncertainties about how Brexit will be handled and we all have our opinion on the subject. Here at Fileder, we will not be able to predict how Brexit will work however, there is one thing we can be certain on: