Case Study – St Richard’s Hospital

Bacterial control for taps & showers

St. Richard’s hospital is part of the Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust. Providing a full range of general acute services including A&E, Maternity, Outpatients, day surgery and intensive care.

Ralph Woolgar, Estates Workshop Manager, contacted Fileder during an investigation into the effectiveness of their Legionella protection regime. He explained he had a number of issues including the current filter being removed by staff, patients and the general public, making them ineffective and also he was struggling with the low pressure applications to get a decent flow rate of water over the length of the existing filter’s 31-day validation period.

Fileder overcame the issues being experienced by supplying the X-Flow Sterile Medical Shower and Tap filters. The Tap filter locks into a fitting and is not so easy to remove than others on the market (detachment point is not easily visible to the user). The Tap filter also has an adaptor made from 316L stainless steel, which fitted to their taps and was described as a far better practical solution as it is incredibly robust, leak-free and can be sterilised in an autoclave which Infection Control liked too.

For the lower pressure applications, the X-Flow Medical Tap filter outperformed the existing filter with lower pressure drop across the filter and higher contaminant holding. Fileder also explained there is a ‘duck-bill’ valve that can be removed from the filters to further increase flow if required.

Fileder Filter Systems is one of the largest independent process filtration and water treatment supplier in the UK. A wide range of filtration and water treatment products are available to order for next day delivery, including carbon blocks, pleated and depth cartridges, housings and RO systems.

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The X-Flow Medical Shower and Tap filters are the right solution for Legionella and general bacterial protection at the point-of-use. The use of engineered tap adaptors and the ergonomic design of the filters have brought peace of mind and stopped unwanted filter removal. In our low pressure areas we also now achieve the full validation period.

Ralph Woolgar, Estates Workshop Manager

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