How Bottle Washing Prevents Contamination in Soft Drink Production

Food & Beverage

There is so much diversity at the moment between big established brands, developing innovative products to fit within their portfolios, as well as companies that are just entering the market bringing exciting, fresh and unique flavours. Soft drink production processes can differ depending on the beverage type and applications required to produce. There is always one stage however, that is greatly considered, and this is bottle washing.

One of the main challenges for soft drink producers is to prevent contamination that can spoil the flavour, taste and appearance of the final product but could also cause illness to consumers.

It is very important for producers to make sure that they are not compromising at this final stage and the water used for the bottle rinsing process is free of potential spoilage organisms, to maintain the safety and quality of the final packaged beverage product throughout its shelf life.

SPECTRUM Premier Pleat Polyethersulfone PPPES cartridges from Fileder Filter Systems provide bacteria retention rates in excess of log7 and are the right choice for final filtration in a host of applications requiring bacteria-free water.

The structure of the PPPES range, with its narrower initial pore structure, provides a perfect blend between a membrane cartridge with highly selective classification characteristics and one that ensure enhanced retention over time.

These membrane cartridges are used to reduce bacteria levels helping to ensure that the final soft drink product will reach the consumer in the same condition as when it was first produced and throughout its shelf life.