
Incoming Water for Brewing Liquor

Incoming mains or borehole water would typically be filtered using a depth filter to remove large particle. Microbreweries and craft brewers will often filter the incoming water with carbon cartridges to remove chlorine, chloramine and other chemicals, which could affect the taste of the beer. It is essential to filter incoming water for brewing liquor to avoid these issues.

Download solutions from our experts

Particle removal

Prevents debris, dirt and particle build up in pipework, tanks, equipment and where present, premature blinding of filtration stages further along the cascade.

Efhs Efbc Ssp 20ld

Chlorine and Organics removal

Chlorine and Chloramine can kill yeast or damage equipment. Removing this offers a more stable and better tasting brewing liquor

Efhs Efbc Ssp 20ld

Ultraviolet Disinfection

UV light impedes bacterial growth by sterilising the DNA of microorganisms, suppressing bio-film and bacteria colony growth.

Sabre 1

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