
Pure Water Production

The pharmaceutical industry places high importance on the production and use of pure water. It is used in many formulations as a dilution ingredient and also as a cleaning agent in the main processes and onsite laboratories.

Grades of water are produced to meet the specific standards required for the process, such as purified reverse osmosis (RO) water, totally deionised (DI) water, bacteria free water and even water for injection (WFI).

Download solutions from our experts

Particle Removal

Prevents debris, dirt and particle build up in pipework, tanks, equipment and where present, premature blinding of filtration stages further along the cascade.

Efhs Efbc Ssp 20ld

Chlorine and Organics Removal

Helps the taste and odour of the liquid and where present, protects RO membranes from chemical attack.

Efhs Efbc Ssp 20ld

RO Water Production

Very pure water is produced using reverse osmosis membranes to separate the majority of salts and ions from the feed water and sending the salts and ions to waste or re-circulation.

Sro Sys


The use of a mixed-bed resin of anion and cation, attracts all salts and ions, removing them from the water.

Pressure Vessel Srdi

Bacteria Removal

Reducing the levels of bacteria to log 7

Sanitary Housing With Ppp

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